It's quite the experience when you realize that what you thought you thoroughly enjoyed is, in fact, something you detest.
A strange experience indeed.
I enjoy most foods that involve
goat cheese,
tangy things.
Thus, the reason why I have an inappropriate relationship with deviled eggs.
(Which, by the way, I just discovered the reason WHY they are called deviled eggs... those suckers are a moment on the lips but forever on the hips if you know what I mean.)
Anyway, when Kirk and I were in Vegas a while ago, we went to the Bellagio and had a feast of crepes.
I was starving and so very excited to eat my savory chicken, basil and provolone crepe.
Then, I took the first bite and fought back the urge to gag.
Eggy mess.
I didn't know how much I do not enjoy eggs in a crepe manner.
I thought I liked eggs. In every way they could be prepared:
But alas, only when eggs are boiled and served with mayo do I fully enjoy the flavor they bring to my pallet. And the reason being that they incorporate some sort of mayonnaise-y goodness. Did you know mayo contains a lemony flavor? Reason number 2 why mayo rocks my socks.
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