That was very Asian of me. It's ok, I have lots of Asian friends so it's ok for me to say it.
Anyway, in case you were wondering...
I thought I was going to die there for a minute but alas, I have recovered from the deathly flu and I can live to tell all about it.
Let me start off by saying that I haven't been that sick... probably ever. Well, one time I had meningitis and I was probably sicker then... HOWEVER, this comes in close second. I was bed-ridden for a WEEK. I literally didn't leave my house for any amount of time from Sunday to Sunday. Except for on Thursday when I thought I was well enough to go to work. HA! That was funny. I got all ready and went to work, everyone told me I should leave but I felt bad for missing so much work... and then 20 minutes later I felt like I was going to pass out so I asked to go home.
I didn't want to eat or drink anything except for herbal tea and white bread with peanut butter. Weird, I know. But it's the only thing that sounded good. I lost 5 pounds. I'm going to keep it off too... haha.
Moving forward.
I want to tell you guys a story.
So Ani and I decided to go shopping tonight. I just got my tax return and although I should be saving, I have made an executive decision to spend it. It's the way to live right?
We went to our favorite boutique, Soel because let's be honest, it's awesome and I want everything I see in there.
We were looking at these bangle, charm bracelets and thought they were the cutest things ever and then Ani made a triumphant discovery.
The brand,
is called,
Even though my name isn't spelled like that, we thought this is no fluke and so we now HAVE to buy these bracelets but they only had ones that had random letters for charms and NO A's. So we asked the sales lady to help us out and she said we could special order them and go to the website and pick out which ever ones we wanted.
We have actually heard about this brand before but didn't know they had cute things.
They are a little on the expensive side. At least it's more than I would really spend on any
They are a little on the expensive side. At least it's more than I would really spend on any
jewelry BUT, it's fate and Ani and I are not going to mess with fate.
This is the one I personally ENJOY:

I'm a sucker for nautical themes.
Anyway, you all should check them out. We kind of want to contact them and tell them that we are Alix and Ani and we should get free stuff from them. What do you all think?
Happy Thursday!