Well hello everyone.
It has been a while since I have last told of my feelings, stories and such.
Is anyone enjoying the hot pink? Because I'm really not. What am I thinking? So not me. I was never a pink girl... an orangy/pink girl. But never a HOT pink girl.
I kind of want to make a new header but to be honest, I am not in the mood.
I started working at Color Me Mine again. I haven't worked there in over a year.
I used to be so pro at it. I knew how to do everything. And then... and then I was retrained by someone I had trained! My how the tables have turned.
It's pretty exciting though. I'm going to start painting again. I love painting ceramics. It's quite relaxing and I feel very accomplished when I see that shiny finished piece.
I just learned that my great grandmother was a ceramic painter and worked at a department store in the early 1900's. She painted faces on china dolls and became the highest paid worker there... How awesome is that? It's in my BLOOD.
I'm starting to work out again. My workout schedule ebbs and flows. I can't seem to ever find my niche as it were. I went running for the first time in MONTHS and I had the worst shin splints EVER. In fact, I have never had shin splints up until this point. Sad times. Just shows how out of shape I am. Whatever. I don't even care.
In other news, I am excited to say that I want to go shopping more than you could know. I know Christmas was just about a month ago but, need I remind you that I asked for money and therefore no yule tide clothing for me. Since I have two jobs (still underpaid) I am spending all my cash. Yeah. I love shopping and clothes more than I hate the feeling of not being able to afford dinner. Anyone else feel like that?
Maybe tomorrow, Kirk and I will venture to SLC for a spree... He likes it. He does... I swear.
Time to drift to dreamland. Good night chickadees.

your comments make me feel so special! i love love when you comment. because i just miss you. ok? totally now what you mean about $ for shopping and not clothes. since i'm going to have to shop for another girl.... i'm getting a bit worried about the $$$. I mean at first I was so clueless about baby girl clothes... but i think i'm catching on a little bit more now. i spent an hour in baby gap yesterday. i bought these for her... aren't they just so cute?
anyway maybe if you do go on a shopping trip with kirk you should pry come back and blog about your finds. i love your cute style. good job on working out. it's so annoying that cardio does the most for us but it's the suckiest. why can't it just be the easiest? oh and i HATE shin splints!
*totally know not now
hahahah and i meant $$$ for shopping NOT dinner. oh gosh
color me mine?! awesome!
check this out: http://full-of-life.tumblr.com
it's a tumblr of recipes that my friend, shawnee, made...of her favorite recipes. I thought of you. food + tumblr. hello. awesome.
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