Ok... So it's been a while. I know. I have been up to many great and wonderful things.
UNFORTUNATELY I suck at taking pictures.
But... Here we go...
1. My dear dear friend Heather Lively more affectionately called "Cheadsz" has moved away and out of my life forever. JUST KIDDING. She is only moving to Washington (my homeland). But, this time, I feel like we really won't be living close to eachother for a really long time. It was a rough goodbye and it's a hard transition.
I don't know what I will be doing with all of my free days. Usually, I would have a day off and spend it with Heather eating Kneaders or Cafe Rio or Zupas and maybe stop at the mall and spend money on jewelry and accessories. It's just our thing. Sometimes we would paint at Color Me Mine or just sit at her house and watch TV and catch up on our gossip which I thoroughly enjoy doing. We call eachother our "low-maintenance friends" but, sometimes I feel a little high maintenance when I haven't seen her in over a few weeks.
I realized that we don't have any recent pictures together. SAD. I have documented some of the good old times... ohhhh Rexburg.
It's where memories are made.
2. I was able to spend time with my OTHER best friend, MINDY. Who is also known as Minderella. I spent the weekend at her parent's house in North Salt Lake and then took a spontaneous trip to Rexburg. Icing on the cake people.
Mindy is moving away and out of my life forever as well. (Don't cry... Don't cry.) Except she really will NEVER be out of my life forever. This girl knows more about me than maybe I even know myself. I can always talk to her and tell her pretty much everything. There is no judging in this relationship. She also has a pretty funny husband and I like to listen to their "nothing fights" because they just make me laugh. ALL. DAY. LONG.
I LOVE this girl.

3. I have decided that ALTHOUGH Rexburg really has no great REDEEMING qualities for being in the middle of nowhere (Besides Horkley's), I love it because there are so
many great memories and the birth of so many amazing friendships. Honestly, I would probably absoltely hate the BURG if I didn't have my friends there.

4. Mindy bought me this book called, "I LIKE YOU"
I LOOOOVE this book. Absolutely adorable. I will read it everyday. It makes me happy and turns that frown back around.
Yes, I did say that.

5. Lastly, for anyone who was wondering about my Small Claims Court fiasco... It was traumatizing to say the least. Probably one of THE MOST intimidating situations I have ever been in... and let me tell you, I have experienced some pretty intimidating things.
I feel like anyone who takes anyone to Small Claims must have no heart because my heart almost stopped from fear, nervousness, and anxiety. For months before the dreaded day, I would have mini panic attacks - DAILY. So, if you wish a heart attack and major health-related complications to someone, take them there. Probably shaved off a few weeks from my life.
HOWEVER, the judge decided to drop the case due to lack of sufficient evidence.
So glad that it's all over.
RELIEF is all I have to say.
I am excited for summer to finally take a turn on the weather and get some SUN! I love love love the sun! I can't wait to take mini vacations and lay out and be lazy...