Sunday, July 5, 2009

story time.

I will try to tell this story without sounding like a mean girl.
Because, really...
I'm SO nice.

So the night before the Fourth of July,
we were walking up and down University AVE.
This place is a hip-hop and HAPPENIN' place on the Fourth...
let me tell ya.

It's actually a story that takes time and understanding.
Here is the sweetened condensed version:

I dance with boy in a white shirt.
Skinny blonde girl steps in and steals my thunder.
I'm so annoyed.
We walk back down the street.
I tell Garrett my frustration with skinny blonde girl and stupid boy with white shirt who likes skinny blonde girls... (no offense to skinny blonde girls. I love them. Just not ones who steal white shirt boy right in front of me. I mean, where's the girl code here?)
Garrett understands and feels my frustration and says,
"Want me to throw my gum at him?"
In a fit of rage, I say,
But, I'm mostly totally kidding. (I really don't want gum to hit this guy.)
Garrett proceeds to throw gum in the middle of the sidewalk.
We forget about the gum and continue our journey down University Avenue and engage in witty conversation.
1 minute later
We walk past skinny blonde girl throwing a fit and trying to pick gum out of her hair because
"Someone threw gum in my hair! WHO JUST THROWS GUM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET?!"


Apparently karma really does exist.

But, I do have a concious and I feel bad.

In a really... HA!
Sort of way.

Let freedom freaking ring.


trudy...{and jamo} said...


love it.

you go girl.

ryanandmindy said...

hahaha..that's a freakin HILARIOUS story. seriously. love karma.

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

Okay... So I am CRACKING up, reading Brooks this story telling him "Oh my gosh, Alix is so funny." His response "Wait, so she was dancing with this guy?" What? Brooks, if you are reading this you are whack. Dancing is beside the point... its the gum part that is funny Brooks. He doesn't get me Alix. You... you get me.

Ani said...

sister sister.

gum can be cute you know. lol i love your new blog look!

Alix said...

sister? are you mad at me? this was an innocent mistake!