Wednesday, October 1, 2008


"I'm sorry you feel that way."

First of all, how can one be SORRY for the way another FEELS internally.
"I'm hungry."
"I'm sorry you feel hungry."
Makes absolutely no sense.

Usually, when ONE says that to another, it is usually in a rather tense debate or argument. It is generally used to calm the other down and to make them FEEL like you understand why they are upset or angry. When, in REALITY, it is a lie. It just means to me, "I'm sorry you are sitting in wrongland all angry while I'm here in RIGHT-land perfectly RIGHT and fine."



ryanandmindy said...

hahaha...i love it when you blog makes me laugh and also makes perfect sense

Alix said...

HAHA! I'm glad you enjoy it. That's exactly why I post those... haha

Jessica Kettle said...

haha, that's funny. so true! I love your profile pic!

Brittany said...

Amen Sister!