Bonjour readers.
Today was my very FIRST day working at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and I am proud to announce that I only ate 6 pieces of chocolate and 1 apple pie caramel apple.
Are you proud too?
My hope is that I don't gain 50+ pounds working there but then again, I really can't remember being so happy at work... So I feel as though it's ok if I do.
What does healthy diet really mean anyway?
NO but really guys, I will probably become the biggest fatty ever if I keep it up.
'Tis why I call it a bitter-sweet thang.
Tastes so delicious.
But as my uncle would say,
"You might as well glue that chocolate to your butt."
Whatever. Some say you get sick of seeing, serving and tasting all the candies and delicious apples of wonderment, that you start to LOOSE weight. I'm going to wait for that day to come very patiently and enjoy gorging myself in all the flavors God as blessed us with.
Moving forward.
I want to go shopping SO very bad.
Every morning when I get dressed, I look in my closet with sadness and woe and wonder where all my cute clothes went. And then I remember I don't work at a mall anymore where clothing is so easily attainable and where I can see styles-a-plenty and copy them. Yeah, we all do it.
Now I feel like a frumtastic chocolatier.
You know when you feel like you have worn every single thing you own at least a thousand times and you need something new to make you feel sparkly and fresh?
That's how I feel.
So I will probably do something to rectify this wardrobe related issue.
Shop on.
Also, I found this picture of Jessica Biel

And may I just say that
a: J. Biel is a stunna. Meaning stunning.
B: How come SHE can do the middle part without looking like someone's butler? (aka, me.)
c: I love her hair. The color. The cut. And I am going to try to replicate it. Who's with me?
Oh and I got the shake-weight. I just had to try it. And believe it or not, it does make me feel like I did 50 pushups in 6 minutes.
So are you working at Rocky Mountain and Color me mine? I wish I lived in Provo and I could go visit you at both of those places. All day long. I know that clothing dilemma all too well. I am on a clothing buying strike for a few reasons. 1. Maternity clothes are the worst and I hate them. 2. there is no where to buy them anyways. Maybe its a forced strike. I love the Jessica Biel picture. I think you could replicate the look well. I am always a little skeptical about middle parts on pretty much all human beings, but I bet you can pull it off like a pro. Lastly, the shake weight? haha. You have to let me know, because I am pretty sure my arms are the WORST. Well.. next to my midsection and thighs. But they are up there on the list of less than desirable body parts. You have to let me know if it works pretty awesome because I will invest.
Sorry I biffed it up on my last comment but what I meant to say was that YES! Nate did mention to me that your boyfriend tutored him and that he was a stud. :) Physical Science was definitely NOT Nate's strongest suit but Kirk helped him tremendously. Small world!
I've always wondered about that shake weight. You'll have to keep us posted on how that works out for you. I'm curious to hear. :)
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