My beautiful sister graduated from COLLEGE!

WHAT the crazy!
I still got the whole born first thing going on, so that's great.
But it was an accomplishment to celebrate to say the least!
It started on Thursday with a commencement ceremony and Elder Richard G. Scott from the quorum of the twelve came to speak!
There were about 8,000 graduates this year and the Marriot Center was filled to the brim. My mom and I found a golden seat right above Ani who was quite easy to spot since I decorated her cap and all.

Don't mind my glorious state of beauty... it was a delirious night.
Sadly, we had to leave a bit early because I had my last class of the semester to go to and my mom kept complaining that the ceremony was boring. (I think we were bugging our neighbors...) So we hopped out of there and beat the traffic.
But guys, Friday is when the REAL fun happened.
That day started at 5:30 AM for miss Ani and 6:30 for everyone else. It was a killer morning and we were about 10 minutes late but we found another GOLDEN seat right in the front and had a great view of all the students shaking hands with the Dean and getting their diplomas. (Is that what college grads get? Diplomas? Clearly, I'm not graduating yet.)
There were a billion names. I swear. Which doesn't all add up since there were SUPPOSEDLY like a thousand graduates there... But I feel like there were more names than the program said. And I believe there was a guy with the middle name of "Stupendorf." I am not kidding. True story.
We then headed to the bell tower to have a mini photo shoot with both families.
I feel like I have to put a disclaimer before showing these photos because I was running on about 4 hours of sleep and for some reason was quite pale. Also, my outfit was really cute in real life... but for some reason didn't quite look as awesome in the photos. Obviously this was not MY day, but seriously.

The Mama Llama came to visit! Splendid!

My dad's side half siblings! Sarah B., David J. and my twin, Victoria!

The proud parents. We may or may not have given Ani a joint graduation gift and said on the card, "We are so proud of you!"

Moving forward.
We then went to Malawi's at the Riverwoods... a seriously fabulous pizza place, with my dad's family and Kirk and Jason. We ordered 9 pizzas plus 2 dessert pizzas. It was delicious! We stayed there for like 4 hours laughing, chatting, goofing off and being awesome.
We had so much fun that my throat hurt from talking so much.
We said our goodbyes and then it was back home for a little R&R before Ani's graduation dinner at La Jolla Groves with my Mama, Rachel, Travis and of course, Jason and Kirk.
Jason decided he wanted to go play tennis with a couple of friends before dinner and lost track of time and showed up wearing his tennis clothes... which included a pair of MY old basketball shorts from high school that may or may not have been about 4 inches above his knees and were also light blue and a teal sweat jacket... Quite the ensemble. I about died when he walked in like that and I REALLY wish I would have taken a picture of such a magical moment. Sometimes, we don't know what that kid is thinking. He will never live that down.
After dinner we FINALLY finally came home and relaxed. I feel like I'm still recuperating from all the hustle and bustle of yesterdays festivities and I should be focusing on planning my lesson for tomorrow.
Congratulations Ani! What a stupendous accomplishment!

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