Well apparently MY FLY is!
Don't judge me...
I have been catching my zipper down almost every single day I wear jeans. HAHA!
I don't know where this came from or why exactly it started.
This is not something I normally do or something that I even accidentally do.
It just started and now I'm doing it all the time! As if I am too lazy or in too much of a hurry to zip up my jeans.
I mean, I cut it pretty close every morning but who knew I didn't have the time to put the finishing touches on my los jeans.
I am kind of embarrassed but mostly weirded out by myself.
It happens. But, if it's because you don't have time you should maybe consider cutting some things out of your packed tight schedule. :)
I had a pair of khaki pants I used to wear when I worked at the Mazda store all the time, and I never remembered to zip the friggin zipper. I think it was because there were two buttons and then a zipper. Three separate parts to keep my jeans together. And apparently it was just too much for me. Usually walked around with my zipper down until next time I went to the bathroom and realized it was down.
HEATHER! These jeans have 2 buttons and then a zipper too! That must be it! But I hate that I actually have to consciously remember to zip up my pants! haha What am I? 5?
haha that last comment by me was actually alix on my name... :)
love the post sista blista!! make time for the zippuh!
aw you are so cute. i love purple too. im a fan of black nail polish right now with purple glitter in it:) forever21. haha:) yay for pretty nail polish!
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