You're right. There really is no place like home.
My trip home was absolutely WONDERFUL. Aside from a few minor weather glitches and one bouncing plane on the tarmac, the visit home went smoothly!
While my mom was away on her Annual-Mother's-Day-Girlfriend-Trip, I was able to hang out with Bebe and Dolly and spend some great quality time with them. I haven't seen them since Thanksgiving so it was HIGH time for some sister bonding. It is so crazy every time I see them.
They just keep growing and growing. Julia, my 12-year-old sister, is AS TALL AS ME. I know it's not the GREATEST feat to achieve considering my height is a meager 5'1" HOWEVER, I do recall the time when she was just a little girl and DOLLY was her name-o. And Natalia is my 11-year-old sister going on 25. She has the attitude of one at least! Oh how I have missed seeing them everyday when they were little and being able to watch them grow gradually instead of coming home every six months to see they have grown another foot and a half. No, I am not jealous nor bitter of their growing capabilities... :) It was so fun and I miss them so much!
Just a little fun lunch/shopping day at Redmond Town Center! It was REALLY nice that day... A perfect day to spend outside... at an outdoor mall... SHOPPING.

There may have been a small photo shoot inside the Gap...
Workin' the dress and belt ensemble... I bought it. Yes, I did.
Beebs and Dolls sporting the trendy scarf. Foxy.
Ani... Combining all of the themes. SO HOT.
I also got to spend some time with one of my good old best friends Brandi! Oh, how I love her and miss her so much! Brandi and Darren invited my family to have a bonfire and make S'MORES at thier parent's house! It was a blast not to mention absolutely DELICIOUS!
Brandi just had a baby a few months ago, and I finally got to meet him. I have got to say that he is one of the most adorable babies this world has seen! I didn't ever want to give him back to his MAMA!
Although he is as SNUG as a bug in a rug and Darren kept poking fun at the fact the the little guy was so bundled up, I found him to be the most cuddly little buddy. SO CUTE!
On this trip I also:
-Ran into my friend Whitney and her husband Alex at Acapulco Fresh.(Another Washington place that I LOVE and adore) So typical. I'm about to call it our unofficial meeting spot since I seem to run into every member of Whitney's family every time I go there!
-Got some wonderful and craved sushi with my friend commonly referred to as Katie Pwoatahhh. (Yeah... I told her to prepare for pictures but alas, none were taken.)
-Get some good burgers and fries at Canyons with Ani and my mom! She told us if we found the wireless router she would take us to lunch... I'm sure she thought we couldn't find it.
-Ran into some old Sammamish Single's Ward buddies while in Bellevue. This included, Brent Knudson, Kyle Blackhurst and Russel Andes.
-Go to my homeward and realize how old I really am... I did get to stand up when they asked all women over the age of 18 to do so in order to get the ward's Mother's day gift. HA HA!
Last, but CERTAINLY not least, I saw my MAMA! I love her so much and she is the REASON why we came in the first place! I am so grateful to have her as an example in my life and I don't know what I would do without her!
Even though she looks like she is going to punch me. She love me. I promise.
They just keep growing and growing. Julia, my 12-year-old sister, is AS TALL AS ME. I know it's not the GREATEST feat to achieve considering my height is a meager 5'1" HOWEVER, I do recall the time when she was just a little girl and DOLLY was her name-o. And Natalia is my 11-year-old sister going on 25. She has the attitude of one at least! Oh how I have missed seeing them everyday when they were little and being able to watch them grow gradually instead of coming home every six months to see they have grown another foot and a half. No, I am not jealous nor bitter of their growing capabilities... :) It was so fun and I miss them so much!
Just a little fun lunch/shopping day at Redmond Town Center! It was REALLY nice that day... A perfect day to spend outside... at an outdoor mall... SHOPPING.

There may have been a small photo shoot inside the Gap...

I also got to spend some time with one of my good old best friends Brandi! Oh, how I love her and miss her so much! Brandi and Darren invited my family to have a bonfire and make S'MORES at thier parent's house! It was a blast not to mention absolutely DELICIOUS!
Brandi just had a baby a few months ago, and I finally got to meet him. I have got to say that he is one of the most adorable babies this world has seen! I didn't ever want to give him back to his MAMA!

On this trip I also:
-Ran into my friend Whitney and her husband Alex at Acapulco Fresh.(Another Washington place that I LOVE and adore) So typical. I'm about to call it our unofficial meeting spot since I seem to run into every member of Whitney's family every time I go there!
-Got some wonderful and craved sushi with my friend commonly referred to as Katie Pwoatahhh. (Yeah... I told her to prepare for pictures but alas, none were taken.)
-Get some good burgers and fries at Canyons with Ani and my mom! She told us if we found the wireless router she would take us to lunch... I'm sure she thought we couldn't find it.
-Ran into some old Sammamish Single's Ward buddies while in Bellevue. This included, Brent Knudson, Kyle Blackhurst and Russel Andes.
-Go to my homeward and realize how old I really am... I did get to stand up when they asked all women over the age of 18 to do so in order to get the ward's Mother's day gift. HA HA!
Last, but CERTAINLY not least, I saw my MAMA! I love her so much and she is the REASON why we came in the first place! I am so grateful to have her as an example in my life and I don't know what I would do without her!

Ohhh... It was so fun to see you while you were here. Don't you want to live here permanently??? ;)
Oh Alix! It was so good to see you! Thanks for coming and hanging out with us. It was a blast!
I totally got the mother's day gift at my brother's ward. money. (as in awesome... not currency) :)
hahaha i loved how you mentioned the wireless router part! sooo funnnyy... haha
Alix!! Come back to Washington again. I am here now! I agree, I think Brandi's baby is adorable. Although it weirds me out that she has a kid and is younger than me ... and all of that weird stuffs.
Looks like you had fun!!
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