Thursday, September 3, 2009

guess what i'm doing...

I'm getting in shape. The complaining stops RIGHT now and I am getting in shape.
I met with a lovely trainer, SCOTTY boy, and he is helping me change my lifestyle.
I am committed to this. I am 100% all about it.
I feel motivated and ready to take it on.
The only thing I am scared about is the actual work outs.
Scott said he will work me.
"You will probably throw up and you will probably cry."

So this is the plan:
1. Eat Breakfast.
This is one of my MAJOR MAJOR problems. Since I don't eat breakfast, my body slows down it's motabolism making it even harder to digest food faster throughout the day. Since I don't eat when I'm sleeping, my body is basically in fasting mode and when I don't eat breakfast, it continues the fast mode then making my body think that I'm starving which consequently, holds on to fat cells to save itself. YEAH! BAD NEWS! So... I am eating breakfast now.
2. No more simple carbs.
This includes white potatoes, white bread, pastas, rice, tortillas... etc. This is going to be the BIGGEST challenge for me. I LOVE my carbs. They are my biggest weakness. That's all I want throughout the day! So, I am giving it up. All for the sake of health. And a sweet body.
3. Eating small meals throughout the day.
This goes along with keeping the motabolism going. I am not a huge snacker so this may be rough for me.
4. Giving up Diet Coke.
This may cause some shedding of tears. But, I have learned that the sodium in this particular drink makes your body retain water and become bloated. SICK. So... goodbye my love. It was a nice run.
5. Limit sodium to about 200 ml a day.
So... If I were to drink diet coke, I could have 1 can one day and that would be my sodium intake for the day. I need to stay away from canned products and things that have a long shelf life. Those items tend to have more sodium in them.
6. No eating past 7pm. UNLESS it's lean meats and vegetables.
This will not be such a huge problem for me since I do not generally eat past that time anyway.
Scott says that if I don't sleep enough and combine it with my current diet, I will not be able to get through a single work out. Sleep is necessary.
8. One free day a aweek.
Once I get into the routine of eating healthier, I get to start having a free day. Where I can eat whatever I want. If I try to maintain the diet all the time, I will probably cave and just quit. With the free day, I can know that if I want something to eat so badly, I can eat it... on FRIDAY. Or something.

So, I am posting this so that you all can know that I am committed to it. You can get me in trouble if you find me not keeping the rules. But, you won't find me not keeping the rules because I am not going to. Things change TODAY.


{ mr and mrs jp } said...

you go girlfriend:) you dont even need to lose weight, you're adorable.

Ani said...

woah sister! that's a lot of changes all at once! you can totally do it tho! that's going to be AWESOME!

Lorna said...

Wow, I want to join you. I don't have the diet coke problem but I love, love, love simple carbs. I am trying to be better though. I like the one day a week treat idea. I also want to be healthy. Think how young and fit you will be if you start this now and stick to it!!! I want updates and I am rooting for you.

Brittany said...

You are awesome Alix!!! I can't wait to hear about your progress.

katieandtckrueger said...

Ok I feel like a total stalker BUT i just kinda got into the blogging world and came across your cute blog! Anyway I just wanted to say I think you look FAB!! but I totally know how you feel, I'm feeling soooo unhealthy right now and so I'm stealing your plan!!

Kali and JT said...
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Brooks and Heather Lively said...

Can I play? I want to join in your fun festivities, as I still have 25, YES 25 POUNDS of baby weight. I have made roughly zero progress. It can be a bonding experience, CROSS COUNTRY! And I can get a decent body. You want sweet, I will settle for decent. May I?

Brooks and Heather Lively said...


Sabs said...

wooohooo you go girl!

Darren and Brandi said...

You da bomb girl! We do the whole free day thing too! But we do two free days... haha. It works quite well :)

ryanandmindy said...

mmmm...i joining you and so is ryan. it's necessary..i need to lose 15 pounds. STAT. i need a beach body..