hello friends.
I am home now... in the lovely city of Sammamish and I am so glad to be back and enjoying the TRUE holiday weather:
With a chance of rain.
I was excited to come back home and experience the food and the scenery.
To see old faces and friends. To catch up and make appearances.
One place brings so much joy to my heart.
If you know me, you know that I absolutely LOVE mexican food and furthermore, I love Acapulco Fresh. A hometown favorite.
I was so excited to come home and eat here and reminisce about the good times when I ate there.
While discussing all the fun things I wanted to do while I am home in Washington, little sister, Dolly told me that Acapulco Fresh is out of business.
I laughed at this comment thinking she was playing some sort of sick joke with me.
So I turned to my mother and said, (and I quote),
"Ha Ha! Dolly just said Acapulco is gone! Ha Ha!"
Note the laughing... which soon turned into tears when I found out that what I thought was a joke was actually a reality.
What the heck?
Thank you Sammamish.
You let me down.
That is SO sad....
there isn't even a sign on the door or anything :( I looked at the redmond location and they have a sign on the door saying "closed for maintenance"
AF didn't have the greatest mexican i've had but it was better than many. and it was convenient, being about a mile away from home.
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