I just wanted to thank everyone so much for the supportive and kind comments, emails, texts and phone calls. I know I have some good friends and people who really care and love me and my family. I seriously feel so loved and am surprised at how many people who have offered their help with wedding planning. I am overwhelmed. In a good way.
Ani and I are planning a small trip to California sometime to pick out a venue and hopefully meet with a few caterers and flower people. I think once I pick a place, everything else will probably be easier to choose.
I just have so many ideas but I'm not really sure how to
A: Execute them.
B: Pick the ones that I like best...
If you look at my PINTEREST you can see that I have gone a little hog wild with the wedding category. (I love pinterest... I spend a lot of time there. Don't judge.)
In other news, I have found another new obsession.
If you have an iPhone, I highly recommend this app. I'm not sure if it's available for other smart phones but I am seriously in love with it and want more friends to follow so download it! I love it!
The last thing I have been up to is moving Kirk into his new apartment. Which will ultimately be OUR apartment when we get married. Kirk didn't have a single thing for a place so we had to do quite some shopping for furniture, kitchen stuff and a bed! We got a lot of things from Ikea and I don't know if any of you have gotten anything from there, but you have to put together EVERYTHING by yourself.
I'm not joking when I say we spent a whole 4 days putting things together. I am so SICK of building. HAHA! But we finally finished last night and everything looks great! The last thing the place needs is a woman's touch. That's where I come in. I can't wait to decorate it all and make it beautiful. Right now, it just looks like a bachelor's pad. Boys don't decorate. And in Kirk's mind, everything has to be black, white or grey. Soon it will be time to add color and I am dying!

I also want to get some highlights and I am loving Minka's color. Anyone know of a good colorist around here... that doesn't take months to get in?