Friday, August 5, 2011

one proud fiance

I have decided to take a little break from my lovely recount of the NYC trip and talk about something else.
Please put your hands together for this man:
(He will be so happy I posted this picture.)
And his fellow teammates:
Garrett Gee
Ben Turley.

They have made this fantabulous iPhone app that scans these little things called QR Codes.
They look like this:
Now that you have seen this pic, you will see them EVERYWHERE!

Yesterday as I was checking the daily stats on their app, I saw that they were placed
Out of 400,000+ apps in the app store!
Talk about AWESOME!!! They were above FACEBOOK!
Let's just say that the future for these guys is looking pretty bright and I couldn't be more proud!
More news to come on their business!
Congratulotions you guys!
(Yes, congratulOtions.)


Bushland said...

Just uploaded it...congratulations!!!

Ryan and Brittany said...

what a genius!!! I'm so glad to know that you will be taken care of :)