It seems as though I have stirred up quite the controversy with my last blog post.
I must ensure and inform you all that no date has been set however, it looks like March is "WINNING." As Charlie Sheen would so aptly say.
I would like to mention a few important things about the impending marriage between Kirk-master-five-thousand and myself.
Well, it's more like a few reasons why Kirk can be categorized as "soul mate" material in my eyes.
Kirk allows me to call him all sorts of nicknames and if you are close enough to us, you will be able to experience the generational nicknaming that happens if you have grown up in my household.
I, for example am named Alexandra. However, if you call me that, most likely I will not answer. Alix is most preferred.
My little sisters are BeBe and Dolly. Nicknames that don't have much to do with their real names.
And don't even get me started on Ani's name.
Kirk let's me call him all sorts of things. And doesn't blink an eye. Literally, he just stares in disbelief: "Did you really just call me juicy-cakes?"
"Why, yes I did."
Another reason why Kirk is awesome. He's a master of electronics or more specifically, computers. Don't let my blog fool you, he is quite the web designer/entrepreneur/developer. I can't tell you how many times he has fixed or hooked my family up with some sweet software. He knows things we mere humans do not.
I enjoy cooking and Kirk enjoys eating. Yin and Yang people. Yin and Yang.
Kirk also is a goofball to the extreme. Although he may not be so outward with it around people, he is with me and I can seriously laugh until I pee my pants (talk about awkward.) He does these very interesting dance moves and facial expressions that I wonder sometimes, why we are even together. But, it's ok because sometimes I do things that are quite unattractive with my face and the feelings become mutual.
Kirk is an optimist. And I say this with the most extreme sense of the word. I consider myself to be a skeptic and a realist. Some may even refer to me as a pessimist. Whatever. But, Kirk's mantra is
"Life will find a way."
And for him, it always does. And sometimes it makes me jealous of his optimistical ways. But mostly, he makes me think positively even when life sucks. And I am grateful for that.
Kirk is a scientist. This is a blessing and a curse. He never wants to follow recipes or sometimes the rules. It can drive a lady crazy. I can remember the time Kirk thought it would be the best idea ever to mix real pureed strawberries into Diet Coke. It wasn't a good idea. He loves to create experiments and discover new things. I love this about him because we love to do this together. We are curious creatures and enjoy adventures.
Kirk and I can talk for HOURS. We love conversing with each other and telling each other the strange things we encounter each day. Trust me, there is always something to tell.
Lastly, Kirk is my best friend. He knows exactly what to do to turn my frown upside down.

Am I making everyone here jealous?
Well back off ladies... Because he's all mine.
that's so cute :)
i get to have him as uncle to my baby for life, so i'm pleased with that. at least she has one cheerful happy guy for an uncle! :)
Ill add one, Most understanding guy youll meet. Truly glad he is my best friend , uncle to my daughter and truly a part of my family, Love you mang. Now i cant be giving props only to the man when its on his fiancee's blog. You know what they say, behind every great man there is a great woman... this is no exception. Alix im glad he met you (even though he disappeared for a couple years) id say its worth it :). Youre an amazing individually and by in large i have a new sister who is beyond awesome.I'm looking forward to seeing the two of your futures combine into one that blows everything away.
Oh soooo cute!!!! He is a keeper...I can't believe he let you take that picture...what a cutie:)
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