I just wanted to thank everyone so much for the supportive and kind comments, emails, texts and phone calls. I know I have some good friends and people who really care and love me and my family. I seriously feel so loved and am surprised at how many people who have offered their help with wedding planning. I am overwhelmed. In a good way.
Ani and I are planning a small trip to California sometime to pick out a venue and hopefully meet with a few caterers and flower people. I think once I pick a place, everything else will probably be easier to choose.
I just have so many ideas but I'm not really sure how to
A: Execute them.
B: Pick the ones that I like best...
If you look at my PINTEREST you can see that I have gone a little hog wild with the wedding category. (I love pinterest... I spend a lot of time there. Don't judge.)
In other news, I have found another new obsession.
If you have an iPhone, I highly recommend this app. I'm not sure if it's available for other smart phones but I am seriously in love with it and want more friends to follow so download it! I love it!
The last thing I have been up to is moving Kirk into his new apartment. Which will ultimately be OUR apartment when we get married. Kirk didn't have a single thing for a place so we had to do quite some shopping for furniture, kitchen stuff and a bed! We got a lot of things from Ikea and I don't know if any of you have gotten anything from there, but you have to put together EVERYTHING by yourself.
I'm not joking when I say we spent a whole 4 days putting things together. I am so SICK of building. HAHA! But we finally finished last night and everything looks great! The last thing the place needs is a woman's touch. That's where I come in. I can't wait to decorate it all and make it beautiful. Right now, it just looks like a bachelor's pad. Boys don't decorate. And in Kirk's mind, everything has to be black, white or grey. Soon it will be time to add color and I am dying!

I also want to get some highlights and I am loving Minka's color. Anyone know of a good colorist around here... that doesn't take months to get in?
My sister...Katie does hair in Alpine. She is AMAZING. I am sure you already know how fab she is... I realize she isn't close...but she is WONDERFUL!
Instagram rocks. Love it too. I would recommend Eva or Ashley at Farouche Salon but I know you're not in Seattle at the moment, so that doesn't really help you BUT I did use to go to David Douglas down at Riverwoods when I was living in Provo. Laura Wilcoxson did my hair. My friends Brittney Black and Lauren Porter also do hair and do a pretty awesome job. Let me know if you want their number. They both live in Provo too. Good luck with the wedding planning!
Kristi Johnson!! She is right up state street! I am super picky about color and she did AMAZING and a great price! text me if u want her #
ummm, this color will look fabulous on you! and congrats on the wedding news!!
I always go to Shep's Salon in provo for EVERYTHING! They are amazing! My favorite stylists are Patrick, Twix, Meredith or Shep himself.
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