Welp, as it turns out, I was getting quite bored of blogging the NYC trip. And let's be honest here, I'm sure you were all too. So the break from the recount of NYC has been extended.
Don't act surprised, ok?
It's not like you have really seen me finish or follow-through with much. I mean, how many times have I said I'm going to give this blog a makeover? And how many times have I said I'm going to buckle down and get into shape? And how many times have I said I'm going to do this, that and the other thing, and have not done it?
My point is simply this: I acknowledge my shortcomings and have little to no desire to really change them. I'm getting married. All my personality flaws are no longer flaws but are endearing quirks that my fiancee just loves. That's how it works, you know. Anyone will tell you that.
For any other engagement or marriage advice, you know where to find me.
Wedding planning is moving at the rate of a tortoise race. For some reason, Kirk and I are not keen on making any sort of decisions and this my friends, is why you have not received a "Save-The-Date" or heard any news on the matter.
The following is a conversation Kirk and I had on picking a wedding date.
Kirk: You chose a date, and we'll stick to it.
Me: March 17, 2012
Kirk: No, St. Patrick's day should be left for St. Patrick. Not for us. We can't share a holiday with a leprechaun. What about all of the parties we won't be able to go to because it's our anniversary?
Me: Listen, when have you ever gone to a St. Patrick's day party? And think about it: it's the best excuse in the world to say you can't go - it will be our anniversary!
Kirk: I am just not a fan...
Me: I am. And we can even put a cheeky pot of gold somewhere at our reception in honor of the holiday. It's totally good luck. AND... who doesn't want to be lucky on their wedding?
Clearly we are on the right path to choosing a date AND a theme for decorations. I brought all my best arguments to the table and we still couldn't agree.
I will tell you that planning a wedding, at least in my eyes, is not my favorite pass time. I will leave those duties to wedding planners. However, finding a place for Kirk to live (and me to move into later on) is proving to be quite exciting. Much more fun than deciding if we should hire the town leprechaun to host our beloved event and if we should serve Lucky Charms as the main course.
If you, or someone you know, has amazing taste and loves to plan weddings, please contact me. I just don't even know what to do with myself and my indecisive fiancee.

Bridesmaid dresses anyone?
Hahahaha! I love this, Alix. Well, if you need someone to do flowers. I can help you out there!
Are you seriously going to be engaged that long?? You are crazy girl! Keep us posted!!!
I agree with Brandi. That is a LONG engagement! Why the heck drag it out?! Everyone loves the idea of a spring reception, but I think being married is better. If I was in UT I would totally plan a wedding for you. But if there is ANYTHING I can do to help let me know! I am just so dang excited for you.
I want to help!!
i'm confused. how is less than a year a long engagement ? take your time darlin, make it everything you want it to be :D
Well, when you've been dating for 4 years and are mormon... 8 months is a long time to be engaged. catch my drift?
I couldn't have been engaged that long! Bryan had to implement a no making out rule because once you are engaged it just gets harder to resist urges... haha... I love how I am being so frank on a blog where everyone can see this... Awkward... Oh well! If you need any wedding help/ideas/anything I am willing to help and my mother would gladly give you advice for anything since she is a wedding planner.
Love the bridesmaid dress...super classy haha. Yeah that is a long engagement and to be honest I really didn't love being engaged after the 1st initial excitement wore off. I would recommend getting married sooner rather than later. With that being said, the selfish side of me wants you to wait till spring so that I can save money to come:) Let me know...good luck!!!
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