Thursday, May 28, 2009

a what?

This is funny:

I don't even know what this thing is. It looks like a mix between a rodent, bird and duckling. There are some things in this world that definitely make me believe that God does have a sense of humor.
I want one.


Ani said...

oh my gosh blister i freaking LOVE him. let's get one!! where did you find this?

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

haha. you would love that thing. i think he looks a little mean. or maybe just confused because his mom is a duck and his dad is a rat.

Katie said...

Uhhh... I had to stop that video 5 seconds into it because I was so creeped out.

Alix said...

Dear Ani, I found it on facebook. Someone posted this video. I stole it and fell in love.
Heather, I think you are right about the confusion of this creature. You hit the nail right on the head.
Katie, HAHAHA! I know you don't like animals. I thought you would like him tho. Because, there is reason to believe that it isn't even an ANIMAL.