My favorite movie.
But that is off topic.
Today I had my first interview for a job.
No, not yay because it was a GROUP interview which they failed to mention to me before I drove all the way to American Fork.
I am not a huge fan of group interviews for the following reasons:
1. Trying to outshine everyone with your work experience with them in the room is awkward.
2. This is basically a test to see how cool you are. If you can hold a conversation with the interviewer and if you stand out in a crowd. Or in my case, a group of 4. One little popularity contest.
3. You hear all the text book interview questions and answers and you realize that what person A said was exactly what YOU were going to say. Now you have to improvise and of course you sound kind of dumb because you did not prepare for others to be in the room with you.
However, if I do get the job, I will be very pleased. I need one so badly and this company seems to be top-notch awesome all around.
If you know of any places that are hiring or any good job opportunities out there, let me know! I would greatly appreciate it.
P.S. I enjoy this quote.