Let's face it. We all have a little hypochondriac in us... (Maybe I speak for myself only.)
I have been known to have moments when WebMD is my answer for every discomfort I have experienced.
But, I believe I have just diagnosed myself with peptic ulcers.
Sick, right?
Well, I'm annoyed because I haven't been able to enjoy a delicious meal or feel great in a long time so this is the only answer I can come up with.
That, or cancer.
I prefer to believe that it's the first, and since I am not insured (ALSO awesome. Not stressful at all.) and ulcers can be dealt with fairly easily. Kind of.
Good thing.
Time to DE-STRESS.
and RELAX.
That's what I really want to do, but right now,
I just feel like THIS:

Thank you for posting that picture! For some reason looking at the owl right now is hilarious ... not that your situation is hilarious. Your situation is not funny, but the owl being bombarded with water is hilarious!
Hahaha! I love that picture. It so accurately describes so many of my days lately.
Dear Alix.
I self-diagnose all the time. It's called being an E-Patient, not a hypochondriac.
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