I am love love loving the following items.
This perfume:

Found here.
It seriously smells SO good. I don't even know how I could describe this scent except to say that I LOVE it and I want it.
Bath and Body Works fall scents.
Caramel Apple, Leaves, Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin and Cranberry Woods.
Buy them. I promise you won't be disappointed and it will get you in the perfect fall mood.
I am also enjoying wall flowers. I realllllly like them.
In other news,
I am working as a receptionist for a construction company in Lehi and I am pretty excited about it!
Bad news: I have to wake up at 6:30am. What. Yeah, I haven't woken up that early since high school... 5 years ago!
Oh yeah,
I am going to
t-minus 11 days. Seriously, I am in desperate desperate desperate need for a little R&R. Well, more specifically,
MINDY and ALIX time. It is special time. I love her. I miss her. I love her.
Pictures of the almost finished decorated apartment to come. I will say that I am not in love with it... but you live with what you get.
yay for a job! though i am sorry you have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn..but yay for a job!
and seriously i'm counting down the hours andvminutes and seconds until i see you.
I have been to Bath and Body Works too many times in the past week. You're not alone. As for the fall scent collection (or whatever they call it)... I fell in love. I can't wait to start the Creamy Pumpkin soap that I got. (It was the scent that was in the picture. I can't remember the name at the moment.) I told myself I had to wait until October (which is really close now). Oh, and I got wall-flowers too! Good to know that I am not the only one who has spent too much time at that store.
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