Let me recap the last 13 hours for you.
In a nutshell:
Come home from Kirk's at about 1am.
Get ready for bed and slip under covers around 2am.
Quickly go over to-do list for next day:
Go to DMV
Fill out FAFSA
Drop off paperwork at UVU
Christmas lights at Temple Square
Toss and turn until about 4am.
Take melatonin (bring on the headaches and morning grogginess) and pop in a movie.
Toss and turn some more.
Finally drift off to dreamland around 6am.
Wake up at 1pm angry that I couldn't fall asleep, and now I slept half of the day away. Worst feeling ever.
Blog about it.
And that was how I spent the last 13 hours. I could have driven to Washington. Shame.
And now I feel like this:

OH and please enjoy this Christmas song brought to you by Coldplay. I am in love.
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