If you know me... then you know that I don't do the whole vomit thing
I don't do it at all.
I whimper and cry when I even hear about it.
I close my eyes and plug my ears when I throw up.
I am such a baby.
I run in the opposite direction. I will not hold your hair, I will not rub your back, I will leave your house... and probably not return for 3 weeks. Until I know for SURE I won't smell it.
One time, a little girl I used to nanny threw up all over me in the car and I started to cry and her parents were like, what the heck is wrong with this girl. Up until that point, they thought that nothing phased me. They discovered my weakness. And it was mortifying.
It's unhealthy the fear I have of vomit.
So you could imagine my anxiety levels last night whilst at work, a woman told me,
"Uh, that little girl threw up right there."
First of all, we are not trained on this and I have NEVER cleaned throw up before.
When I asked for assistance from my fellow co-workers they ran in the opposite direction telling me they can't even be in the room and started to hyperventilate.
Oh, I must mention they were both MARRIED. This is important because they are much closer to having kids than I am, and thus this proves they are not ready... and I am.
Oh, that's not logical? Shoot.
What? Why am I the one that has to clean this up? As I fought back the tears, a VERY kind soul said he would help me clean up the vomit.
An angel from heaven.
As I stood there with a trash bag and held my breath, the man put bags over his hands and cleaned purely out of the goodness of his heart.
I fought back the urge to gag because if I did, I KNEW I would throw up and that wouldn't be good for business.
I kept thanking the man profusely and praised him for his strength and kindness and his response was,
"Well, I have kids and if this happened to my wife, I would hope someone would help them clean it up too."
Best part is that the man got a free item to paint and free studio time. That's what you get when you clean up someone else's kid's vomit. You get free stuff.
I learned a valuable lesson yesterday:
People surprise you and it's awesome.
And, I won't die if I see and smell and watch someone clean up throw-up. I really am proud of myself. For not crying. How embarrassing would that be?

So I guess that means I'm ready for babies.
*Yes, I did just openly admit to desperately wanting children. No, I am not really pregnant.
Ha ha Alix, this post cracks me up. I HATE vomit, too. Seriously, it's disgusting. And I think I was taught a lesson because the first 18 weeks of my pregnancy, I threw up 6+ times a day. It was horrible. And I don't tell you this to scare you, I tell you this because I got through it, and now - I can handle vomit. Kind of. LOL.
P.S. you make a cute preggo lady! :)
You are going to make a very cute pregnant lady some day :) Also, I am very proud of you for not crying. And when you have kids, you will gradually hate vomit less and less and you will even get to the point where YOU can clean it up! Baby steps. You are halfway there :)
Hello- get this show on the road and have a baby already because you are ADORABLE with a baby bump. seriously. You are going to be so so so cute. Speaking of puke... it always sucks. Unfortunately necessity is a great teacher so you will figure out how to deal with it when you need to. Just don't breathe through your nose.
Alixxxx!!!!!!! I love you... that is all I have to say! PS. We are going to work together (again) and go to school together... let's have a baby together tooo!!! lol
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