Oh hey, nice teeth.

Yeah, I'm doing a post on Jimmer.
But it's not what you think.
You see, I think he's a good athlete. I won't argue that.
I just don't quite understand the obsession. I guess I'm not really the kind of girl to get obsessed with any sport. But, people are like REALLY REALLY REALLY obsessed with him.
For example:
My sister saw Jimmer at Costa Vida one night and asked to take a picture with him. She was shaking just being in his presence. Shaking, people.
And today just proves my point as well.
Kirk and I were walking around BYU campus today and I have to say that the only thing I regret about not going to BYU is the overheard conversations I didn't get to hear.
I digress.
This guy was talking to a girl and telling her that he wanted to go to law school and that with HIS GPA he could get into any school including Cornell. BUT, he doesn't want to go to Cornell, he wants to go to NYU because Jimmer will probably be there.
Um... WHAT?
First of all, this kid just REEKS of annoyance and low humility. If it were ME in that conversation I would totally make fun of him for throwing out his GPA like that and rolling my eyes in pity for communicating with this specimen.
Secondly, I am glad you are basing the rest of your career on Jimmer and his whereabouts. You are surely not obsessed and definitely the most normal person ever.
And that my friends, is why I don't understand the obsession... with anyone famous for that matter. They are just people.
Am I right? Am I right?
ok i COMPLETELY agree!!! I don't understand the hype!!
Thank you Alix!! ARGH! It's so annoying!!
Ill bet you haven't watched him play in a game..Which is why you dont understand. Hes arguably the best bball player ever at BYU. So ya hes a big deal.
i adore jimmer and i dont even go to byu.
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