Alright alright alright alright alright alright.
Verdict is in and this old woman is going BACK to school... to prove to EVERYONE that I am freaking awesome. And to shut every one up.
I don't have to declare a major quite yet however, I have a few ideas of what I really, truly and deeply would love to study.
My family (extended included) believe I should study something that can make me money right after I graduate. I say, that is wise, but NO fun. In fact, zero fun since I do not have a passion for calculating someone's finances, or making graphs for my boss. BORING. Not for me. I find happiness and contentment in creativity and being able to express myself. I know I sound like a total hippie and yes, I have some hippie in this soul. Whatever, I own it.
Something I have been wanting to do since I was a wee babe was be an artist. Honest. People would ask my kindergarten self what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would say an artist. AN ARTIST!
Every single art class I had from grade school through high school, I was so happy and almost giddy with excitement to go to class. I was in my element. My zone. How awesome would it be to be able to study and major in ART? My uncle would say is, "Ahhhh there is no way to make a decent living with that degree!"
Then there is the whole culinary arts thing. This has been a more recent dream of mine. I remember telling my mom I wanted to go to culinary arts school right after high school and she kindly disagreed and told me to study something else and get a degree in something more practical. She probably meant business or something. Culinary arts is just another degree my awesome uncle would say "AHHHH there is no way to make a decent living with THAT degree!"
What my uncle doesn't know is that I have an entrepreneurial mind. That, and an entrepreneur for a boyfriend. With our powers combined, we could figure out SOME way to make a pretty penny. Or an ugly penny.
So I've got a lot of nay-sayers in my life.
There is also the whole teaching thing. I have wanted to be a high school teacher and think it would be a fantastic career. I had some pretty cool teachers in high school and I actually like high school students... good benefits, summers off... what more?
And also, nursing. Nursing would make some money. I LOVE science. I do. Vomit? not so much a fan of. In fact, just the word vomit kind of makes me gag.
Anyway, it is clearly decision making time. It's a tough call and the MAIN reason I decided to take a break from college in the first place.
Does anyone have any great advice? I am in need of some great advice.
They all sound like good options. I thought my degree would make me some moola (how do you spell that?). In all honesty the economy is kind of lame right now. So I say go back to school and get a degree in whatever makes you the most happy, because with my experience a degree is a degree no matter what it is in. The jobs I have been looking for out in this crazy world don't ask for specific degrees. Anyway, just a random thought. Don't mind me, I am just rambling on now.
Do what makes you happy! Always.
erica stole what i was going to say dang, but seriously do what makes you happy.
I keep telling you you should be doing my interior design degree with me! $75 an hour right out of school (if you are working for yourself of course...). We could be partners! ;)
In all seriousness though, I think Megan is right. Most people just want to see that you HAVE a degree. Obviously the more relevant the better, but I'm sure you would be able to find a side job to do and be able to do art or culinary art also. Like everyone is saying, do what makes you happy! Hopefully your future husband will make enough money that you can just do what you like on the side if you really want to.
Good luck girlie!
oh, Alix.
I just want to talk to you. let's get together.
the end.
Utah State has a great interior design program...
Dearest little alix,
I went to school for 7 freaking years. You would think I was doctor, genius or scientist. NOPE. Not me. I first went to school for medical/nursing. I graduated in Medical Assisting, worked for 6 months and HATED it. So, I went back to school. I headed up to good ole Utah State and graduated in their interior design program. BEST CHOICE, for me, EVER! I am not rolling in money, HOWEVER, I am doing what makes me happy. AND I LOVE to decorate. I have worked for myself and for companies, and either way I am totally pleased and loving my degree. BUT little one, you must do what you feel is right. Tell your uncle that more that 80% of recent graduates are not working in their "major". Just get an eduacation!! love ya!
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