Well well well, look who fell behind on her list of thankfuls. Way to go.
It's ok. I'm going to catch up on that RIGHT now.
Are you ready for this?

10. The gospel. It is unbelievable how important this is to me and the amount of gratitude I have for it just grows and grows.
11. Crafts. I am kind of one to be the master procrastinator when it comes to crafts - I like to start them but take FOREVER to finish them. It drives me crazy. However, I LOVE doing them. I love having something I am looking forward to see the outcome of and I love being busy doing something fun.
12. Diet Coke. I know I am so pathetic but my love for DC has not wavered but has grown. Whatever. I really don't care. I love going to McDonald's and getting my $1 drink and enjoy that first sip as the bubbles tickle my throat. Ohhh it's definitely love. haha
13. Chips and dip. Best. Snack. Ever.
14. My apartment. I know I said I am glad to have a place to call home, but let's be honest here, I'm pretty obsessed with my apartment. It makes me feel warm inside.
15. My calling. I never thought I would be grateful to be the Relief Society teacher because we all know how I hate speaking in front of any amount of people larger than 4. I have been known to refuse to give talks. And although I have minor panic attacks each Saturday before I teach, the feeling I get when I am done is absolutely amazing.
16. Stuffing. Let's be real here, this is the best side dish of Thanksgiving. And I am excited to stuff my face with it.
17. My family. Oh my family. I don't know if I could even express the gratitude I have for them. I love them all and I am really so very excited to see Julia and Natalia this Thanksgiving. I am grateful for how helpful and involved my extended family has been with everything happening with my mom. My family deserves it's own post. But, they are definitely HIGH on this thankful list.
18. Funny moments. I'm pretty sure laughing is the SOLE reason why I haven't spiraled down to the pits of despair. And seriously, I just have to shout out to Kirk for making me laugh EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
19. Kirk. Could I get any more lucky with this guy? I don't think so. He has been there for me when I have needed him most. He supports me and wants me to succeed in everything I do. I really do love him and I SO incredibly grateful to have him in my life. He's a keeper.
20. Music. This is such a generic thankful however, it's something I can't even begin to go into detail about. It lifts my soul, takes me on vacation and has the ability to change my mood.
21. The Food Network. We all know my love for the Food Network is undying. And divine. I love food. I love TV. Beautiful marriage.
22. While on the topic of television, I am becoming more obsessed with HGTV. I love getting awesome ideas to decorate and looking inside of people's homes.
And more to come as the month goes! Now I'm going to get ready for the day. BFF Mindy is in town and I do plan to see her tonight. And we leave for California on Wednesday. JOY!
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