I know it has been approximately one week since Halloween and I have yet to change my header on this here bloggy blog. And since I have approximately no job and do approximately nothing all day, I really have no excuse as to why it hasn't been changed.
But, you better be prepared because it's about to change. Probably within a day or two... Still working on my photoshop skills, ok?
Anyway, would you like to hear what I have been up to? I know I said nothing, but I'm going to be honest, I lied. I actually have been pretty busy until yesterday.
My mom came into town! She spent a good 5 days with us and we had a blast! We were even able to have a lovely photoshoot courtesy of yours truly. I should probably get into the photography business with my skills. I have learned through this experience that I am actually more comfortable behind the camera than in front of one. Weird. I thought I was such a ham... I guess I'm not. (I'm speaking as if I'm really a professional here.)
Here are a few of my favorites!
In other news, I am really excited for Thanksgiving! This year, we are making the road-trip to Northern California which means less travel time, and also means not driving through TWO mountain passes. I was getting pretty sick of the drive to and from Utah and Washington. Anyway, I also get to see MOST of my family. I get to see my daddio and my madre and both sides of the family. This has not been able to happen since I was about 6 or 7... WOW. It's gonna be crazy. AND I am bringing Kirk. He will get to experience my family first hand... we'll see how well he likes it :)
Anyway, I have decided I am going to copy cat my BFF Heather on her Thankful posts for the month of November. I think this is a splendid idea. And what better way to say "GREAT IDEA!" than to copy it? And since it is the 7th of November, it looks like I have to make up for lost time.
It's a little bit hard to think about things I am thankful for when I feel like my life is all over the place but here it goes: (in no particular order)
1. I am thankful for Disney movies. They make me happy no matter what mood I am in. Especially the ones that remind me of my childhood. Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and The Jungle Book. For some reason the Jungle Book brings back memories of Bebe and Dolly when they were babies.
2. Friends. I have never been MORE thankful for friends until now. I have always been grateful for them but since everything has been going on with our family, it has become very apparent to me how IMPORTANT these people are to me. I honestly don't know where I would be without them.
3. Washing machines. I think I would probably die without one. Ok, not really. I would find another way to wash my things. BUT, I am grateful for this man made machinery that cleans my bedding, blankets, clothes, towels etc. I am a little bit OCD when it comes to my bed especially and I love that I can wash it lickity split and enjoy the clean smells of Tide and bounce sheets. MMMM.
4. Candles. Speaking of smells, what is better than the scent of cranberries or cinnamon vanilla wafting through the air? Not much, not much.
5. Today's technology. It is so awesome to me that we can keep in touch with people so easily these days. I can pick up the phone and call, text or email someone instantly.
6. Going to the movies with Kirk. I am grateful that Kirk enjoys the magic of movie theaters as much as I do.
7. Having a place to call home. Although, I can't say that Washington is my home, or California is my home, I have felt more and more that Utah is my home... for now. And I am giddy to come home to my apartment after a long day of work or a trip across the country.
(I'm also grateful for this picture... I love piglets.)

More thankfuls to be written soon!
Happy Sunday!
I am so excited to see you over Thanksgiving! I hope I get to see Kirk too :) Didn't something like this happen last year too? Anyways, I miss you and I can't wait to see you!
You made me laugh with your love of piglets. I love that you are copying my idea that I copied from my sister who copied it from someone else. I am flattered. I am bummed you won't be in Seattle for Thanksgiving! I dont know when the heck I am going to see you again! Let's not get into that. Sound like you have a sweet thanksgiving ahead of you this year though!
Alix, what days are you coming to Nor Cal? I would love to see you even if its just for an hour. I could come meet you. Call me or text me if you will have time. 925.683.9104 If you don't have time I totally understand. I know holidays are busy! :)
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