This post is about to get very personal.
I think I really do need a therapist but I have no health insurance and I can't afford to pay for it myself.
However, I think this blog is like therapy for me so that is why I am channeling my energy, or should I say EMOTIONS to here.
Thanksgiving was great. I was so happy to be able to see family and friends I haven't seen in literally a decade. I loved being able to spend time with my mom and little sisters and be able to share the holiday with them.
Thanksgiving was also strange for me. Like I said, there were people - family - I haven't seen in years. It was so odd and I felt so uncomfortable and out of place. I began to feel sorry for myself because what is more important than family? And I had not kept up any sort of relationship with them and I felt like nobody knew who I was or why I was even there. I noticed that I was not acting like myself and that I was becoming this silent, shy, introvert that I normally am not. I hated it. Absolutely HATED it.
I don't know why I became so not myself. But it hit me that I didn't like how everything has changed and everything is different from the last time I was around a decade ago. (Decade, I hate that I can say a decade ago and I can remember what I was doing a DECADE ago.) I felt like I didn't know these people, my family. It's weird to me that life keeps on going for everyone and things change for everyone and I am just seeing where people are right now... I don't get to see the change happen. I mean, who am I to get upset with the universe when life continues on? Things have definitely changed for me and my life.
I hate change. I hate it with an ever-growing passion. I wish things would stay the same forever and we would never have to deal with anything difficult. Of course, without change I wouldn't be able to grow and hopefully become a better person.
I never like to talk about it. I don't like to talk about how my mom's Alzheimer's affects me. I actually never talk about it. It kills me when I see her struggle with remembering what she is talking about. It tears me up when I see her spell my name wrong. My name, the one she gave me when I was born. And I hate that inevitably she will not remember me or any of her children. It has been hard for me to think of things to be thankful for when I feel like my life was the epitome of tragedy.
I try to look strong. I try to be brave about it. Life happens. People are dealt crappy cards in life. I get it. Oh, how I get it. But, the truth of the matter is that it's hard. And no matter how strong or brave I try to be, I feel like a child inside. Terrified of the future. Friends have told me that I adapt to change very well. Maybe I look like I do, but on the inside, I fall apart. I ignore it and it ends up killing my soul. I have gotten really good at putting on a happy face and pretending.
I don't even know this person that I am now. I have gotten so good at wearing this mask (so to speak) that when I take it off, I don't recognize myself anymore. That's what made Thanksgiving so weird for me. The people haven't really changed. I have. I didn't know who I was or where I fit in and I regressed to the days where I was still trying to figure out me.
I need to not keep things bottled up inside me. I need to feel the emotions that I am feeling and not pretend like everything is ok when I'm not. It damages the soul. It changes me and makes me into a person that I can't recognize. I don't mean for this to sound all, "Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose?" blah blah blah. But seriously, this was what I was dealing with for the past few months!
So on the drive home yesterday, I realized this and got a burst of motivation. Something I have not felt in so long. I just can't wait to get this life of mine going again. I can't wait to feel purpose and I can't wait to move on and grow up even more. I am getting that tingling feeling in my feet. The feeling of waking up, becoming alive again.
alix. you made me cry. i love you. i hope you know that.
Alix, what a wise soul you are becoming. You are learning things in your life now that take most of us years to figure out. Being able to be genuine and comfortable in our own skin is such a struggle for most women, I believe. It's when we can drop the perfectionism, the need to appear OK and in control all the time, that we finally have a chance to surface and breathe our own reality. When we do that we really ARE in control instead of living up to some unrealistic standard. If like sucks it's OK to say that it does and even to struggle through life's tsunami's. It's also OK to ask for help when we need it. God doesn't expect us to be super heroes, just to hang in there and keep moving forward after we've been knocked silly. I think you are brilliant to have figured that out:-)
Oops! I meant "...when LIFE sucks", not "like sucks". Dumb spell checker!!!
Blogs truly are therapy... it can get you through the toughest times just writing your feelings out. I know that there are great things to come for you! You are so strong and I admire that and it's ok to feel emotional... welcome to being like the rest of us:) I love you girl!
hey girl...
just a suggestion...
after my parents divorced right when I was married I needed some serious counseling/ therapy so I talked to my bishop who found me a counselor where I only had to pay I think it was 20 bucks each time I went. So so beneficial for me. Thinking about you and your family!
blogs are good therapy too!
alix. you are such an amazing writer. seriously.
wow, you have been going through so much. i can not even imagine. i just love you and i am so proud of you for having "an awakening" and such. You are awesome. When you go to UVU next semester you can go to the Wellness Center for therapy for way cheap...like $10 or something. And do you want to know one more thing i was thinking when i was reading your post? you would LOVE taking psych classes. like seriously.
I am so excited to see you!
Ok, why did I not see that your blog has been updated until now? Anyways, that's besides the point... Alix, I feel like we are so similar in this way. You know me... I only ever cry in movies, not in real life. But it's important to really FEEL what is going on in our lives. I can't even imagine the pain you are feeling right now. It makes me sad. But I also know that you are a strong person and (especially with this new outlook you have on things) you can get through anything. It's stuff like this that makes me want to cry for joy because I know that everything will be the way it should when we are in Heaven. Can you imagine going through this with your Mom if you didn't know about the gospel? It makes me sick to think about that. But thank goodness for the knowledge we have that no matter what happens, we will be happy. I love you.
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