Do you ever have dreams about people who you thought you would never dream about?
If you do, do you all of a sudden think you have this close bond with that person after you wake up?
This happens to me sometimes and it happened last night.
It's so weird.
I had a dream about someone who I thought I would never dream about and it made me feel so weird. I felt like I needed to have a conversation with that person and have some sort of relationship with them.
I feel like I know more about them than anyone else.
And that we are best friends.
Sometimes when I have these dreams, I dream about someone I used to know or sort of know so if I ever do talk to them or see them, I think I really am friends with them.
It messes me up!
Have you ever woken up from a dream happy because your dream felt so real and it was an amazing dream?
Or how about waking up in a horrible mood because someone ruined your life?
And then you carry around all of these negative feelings towards that person and you end up hating someone you shouldn't?
One time, I had a dream that I was Sabrina the Teenage Witch and I woke up thinking I still had magical powers but to my surprise, I had normal human powers. Which didn't thrill me. I was so mad.
Another time I had a dream that I had a love affair with Brad Pitt and it was A-MAZING. Imagine my disenchantment when I woke up only to realize he didn't even know who I was... But, I felt like I knew him!
Or how about flying dreams? I have had a few of those. I had to concentrate really hard on flying and then I could do it. But the moment that I thought of something else, I would fall.
Or how about the terrifying dreams when you can't run or scream? I ALWAYS have those kinds of dreams. I can't scream loud enough or run fast enough. It's the worst feeling.
The point of all this is to say that dreams are awesome. I love having dreams and waking up remembering them. It's like entertainment for the bored, sleeping mind.
Sometimes you wake up relieved that it was only just a dream, and sometimes you wake up disappointed that it wasn't real.
Today, I woke up sad that it wasn't real.
So weird how dreams affect us so much.
I remember when you had the dream about Sabrina the teenage witch! I also have very very very strange and realistic dreams. Sometimes I tell people stories of something that happened and then remember that it was actually a dream and not something really took place.
My dream... 2 nights ago.... I was hanging out with Lebron James and Dwayne Wade. Yes I was anticipating the Jazz/heat game that ended horribly last night. But back to my dream.. It was awesome! They went everywhere with me- and we were best friends. Then I woke up... but still felt like we were best friends. Hmm- I WISH! But yes I know how you feel- just thought I should tell you because it was so recent.. and SO real.
i had a love affair with robert pattinson. do NOT tell me that wasn't real.
Whitney! I remember your dream? or dreams? about the flamingos! And everyone would get you flamingo things all the time. haha oh man, and Juliana, you're dream sounds AWESOME! I hate it when I wake up and it's not real! And Mindy, Robert Pattinson huh? sexy.
hahaha i love it! ans i LOVE dreams! they really are crazy. in high school i had a dream that will smith was in the primary room and we were hanging out and we totally kissed. i will never look at him the same haha
Alix. I read this post before I went to bed last night and what do you know? I had some ca-razy dreams. I think your post might have prompted them, but prompted or not they were strange. The most interesting one was where Mckenna (who is newly married) had a baby and then decided to serve a mission. So, she did just that. Her husband and baby got to visit on weekends though. Weird.
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