Alix here. I am FINALLY finally home.
After yesterday, I was certain I would not make it home.
Well, let me start from the beginning.
The trip itself was a success. Kirk and I had a great time relaxing, eating way too much pizza, and taking in the city.
The first night, we stayed in a small hotel in Nob Hill. Also known as, SNOB hill - so I've heard.
Anyway, it ended up being this little tiny hotel that had a very old elevator with manual doors. Heavy doors. Our room was right next to the fire escape so naturally I climbed out the window and up the fire escape to the roof.
Here is a picture we took up there. Excuse the quality... we only had our iPhones with us...
It was pretty crazy!
Then we came back to our room and the TOILET was broken!! AHHH! We also had no air conditioning... so I almost died of a heat stroke that evening.
The next day we went to the Cheesecake Factory on top of Macy's in Union Square!
It was a gorgeous day and we were able to eat outside on the terrace!

We walked down to Union Square and did some much needed SHOPPING!
We hit up H&M, Anthropology, Nordstrom, BLOOMINGDALES! WHAT?!
I had saved up some monies for the shopping in SF and was so excited to spend. it. all.
We ate pizza every single night while in SF and I'm pretty sure every place we ate at was absolutely delicious.
On Saturday night, I went to my Aunt's house in Noe Valley and surprised my Dad.
It was pretty dang funny because he had NO idea I was coming and he thought I was the freaking neighbor! haha We had a great BBQ and watched fireworks in her neighborhood.
(me, my Dadio and my aunt's dog, Oliver in her house in SF! Gotta love my Dad's teacher/highschool sweatshirt. COOOOOL!)
It was a fun ending to a great trip!
Now, for the trip home.
We made a VALIANT effort to make our flight on time. We got to the airport 5 minutes before our flight took off. Needless to say, we missed it.
Southwest decided to put us on standby for a number of transfer flights to get us home to Salt Lake. We got a flight to San Diego and had a layover there for 6 hours.
The layover itself was actually kind of nice. We ventured off to a random hotel down the street from the airport which was right on the beach and we hung out in the lobby. The weather was gorgeous and we were secretly wishing we would have gone on vacation there instead of SF :)
We got on our flight to Las Vegas which was supposed to connect us to a flight to Salt Lake City.
They had warned us that the flight from Vegas to Salt Lake was full and there was a possibility we would not make it home that night. (BUMMER)
The flight landed in Vegas and they called Kirk's name over the intercom and told him to get off the plane. I was a little freaked out because that meant the flight was full and I was going to have to fly back to SLC by myself. (BUMMER)
Right before we were going to take off, one of the stewardess' came up to me and told me Kirk got on the flight HOWEVER, he may be regretting getting on the flight because he was in between two 350-pound men and one of them took their SHIRT off! haha poor KIRK!
After that, and one VERY rough landing, we made it home safe and sound. And VERY tired.
WHAT an adventure.
hahahha! poor poor kirk. the man took his shirt off? that is disgusting. alix i miss you! i wish you could just show me everything you bought! i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair dark. you look BEAUTIFUL. seriously. love that picture of you two..
hahahahahahahaha! I almost peed my pants. I made Troy stop his show so I could read him the part about Kirk sitting next to the shirtless yeti! hahaha! Man I hope he was sweaty. Is that rude? haha!
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