I can't even look at this picture without letting out a big embarrassing, hysterical laugh.
I mean, FOR REAL. Actually it's more of a FOR FAKE.
I admit, this show is and has been a guilty pleasure in my life. And I can honestly tell you I have no idea why this show intrigues me so.
What I will tell you right now is that this show has gotten DUMB-ER. If that is even possible.
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "Alix, why are wasting this topic on a blog post... this is clearly NOT blog-worthy."
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "Alix, why are wasting this topic on a blog post... this is clearly NOT blog-worthy."
And I am here to tell you, "YES. IT. IS."
I have tried my whole life to be like Lauren Conrad. Dramatic? Yes.
She dressed well, she was pretty, she was friends with Brody Jenner (HELLO.) and she went to fashion school. Her life was PERRRRRfect. She even decided to kick Heidi and Spencer out of her life (good call) who are CLEARLY off their freaking ROCKERS. Yes, rockers. Like, old crazy people who SHOULD be sitting in their rockers, being safe, but against better judgement have chosen to be OFF of those safe rockers.
I digress.
This show has gotten ridiculous. This may not be news to anyone.
Heidi is all barbie and speaking in such high tones that even a dog could not hear her. Spencer is all into crystals - Kirk's theory is Spencer is on drugs. Everyone else is too busy being fake and pretty and wearing designer clothes that this show has no content. Even though Kristen Cavellari is the greatest biznatch this side of the Mississippi (except for me, right? Only biznatches can speak about the Hills). Nothing worth even having a conversation about. BUT definitely worth blogging about. Haha.
When speaking about the O.C. post Marissa's death, "When they killed-off Marissa, they killed the show."
Well I am here to inform you, since you ALL care so much about this waste of time people call entertainment, "When Lauren left, she took the show with her."
The Hills has officially lost a viewer today.
(Except for next week when we find out exactly HOW crazy Spencer and Heidi Pratt really are.)
HA! I hadn't watched an episode since LC left, but I watched one recently and couldn't believe that Stacie the bartender was listed as Kristin's friend??? Everything is so manipulated by the producers. I miss Lauren and will always love LB and early hills reruns (pre-Heidi's massive boobs... back when she called Jordan when she was having a hard day and Jason was an alcoholic). Blog-worthy indeed!
I feel exactly the same way. I feel a little dumber each time I watch that show now. Heidi and Spencer need help, big time. Like some psychiatric help.
hahaha...number 137 of reasons i love you.
i stopped watching it after lauren left too so i can't share in the new "dumber" hills rant.
SO... I have been trying to watch The Hills this season, probably because you watch it and I want nothing more than to BE LIKE YOU! But I have kinda been sucked into The City. Let me tell you why. They are actually DOING something! They have jobs, and talent! It was boring by comparison before, but now I sorta like it. Anyways... um, call me sometime?
Okay so I watched an episode of The Hills for the very 1st time the other day. (the one where heidi and spencer were throwing some b-day party for some little neighbor kid, weird). Anyway, it was RIDICULOUS! Ha ha. I couldn't believe how terrible that show is. Those people are all insane. Now there is crappy-guilty pleasure reality TV, and then there is just trash. And that show falls under the latter.
Okay that was my little rant. I'm done! He he.
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