Halloween must be upon us.
Today I experienced too many creepy things. TOO MANY!
A slug. 2 spiders. One bumble bee.
ON MY DESK. They were all alive.
How did they get there you ask?
My answer is Halloween put them on there. Logically.
Ok. I'll stop being dramatic now.
Alright, so remember when I got my current job? I was so excited. I needed a job so badly. SO badly. And now, I hate to say it, but I actually kind of dread going. I told myself that I wouldn't complain about it because no one REALLY enjoys going to work. But, when you start having panic attacks on your way to work, it's cause for concern.
I am so grateful to HAVE a job because let's be real here, it took me months to find one and I am so glad that lady friend, Cedar hooked me up!
But sadly, the 6:30 am wake up probably won't get old. And sitting a desk with not a thing to do may create a nervous breakdown. Oh, and the traffic... sigh. Last week, I may have had to excuse myself from my workspace to cry in the bathroom. It's ok though. I will get through it. Plus, I am starting school in January. I can handle it.
Remember when I went to South Carolina last week? Oh. My. Gosh. I was made for that place!
Want to see some pictures? Well, unfortunately I am at Kirk-face's house and therefore do not have photos saved onto his sweet sauce computer. BUT, if you go to MINDY'S BLOG POST you can see most of my awesome adventure. Yes, this is the lazy way to blog about my trip. I PROMISE I will do a better post about it later. It just stresses me out to post so many pictures.
Let us also discuss the following picture:

(one of my many favorite lines)
If you can name this movie, you get a billion points in my book. Trust me, you WANT to be in my book... with LOTS of points.
This is the FIRST PG-13 movie I watched and not only did I love this movie, it is also the first movie I have memorized all the lines of and have incorporated them into everyday conversation.
welp... gonna go watch a movie with my hun bunz. haha
P.S. Speaking of movies...
Three movies you and I should watch this all hallows season:
1. Edward Scissorhands
2. Nightmare Before Christmas
3. Hocus Pocus
Could it be Liar Liar?? I don't actually remember much from that movie because I saw it so long ago, but it sounds like something that would be from that movie :)
Sorry your work is sucky. You can do it! Since when are you going to school in January??? You need to update me on your life more girlie! Glad you had a fun trip! Miss you!
duh, liar liar. Fantastic movie. I'm glad you had fun in South Carolina. Sorry about the job. Hopeufully things will look up for you. Where are you going to school?
those 3 are the best best Halloween movies
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