Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Have you been wondering what I have been doing with my newfound freedom?
If you think I have been going to bed late and sleeping in all day, you are so wrong.
I have actually not been able to go to bed late this ENTIRE week.
Why? Well, the answer could be one of two things. Or a combination of both.
1. It could be because I am used to going to bed around 11pm to wake up at 6:30am.
2. I am getting older and all my body wants to do is mimic the sleep patterns of a senior citizen.
No matter if I wake up at noon or 7am, I still want to go to sleep come midnight. Which is EARLY for me. I guess midnight is late for me now. Or if I fall asleep at 4, I still wake up at 7am.
Obviously, I have tried to go to sleep later and I have tried to sleep in, but my internal clock is getting the best of me and I don't want to give in. But, it looks like I have to.
I had an epiphany when the power went out on Sunday night. Back in the day, you could only work when the sun was up HENCE the saying, "early to bed, early to rise" and "the early bird catches the worm." I haven't really been a fan of these sayings mostly because I am the queen of the opposite. (Or at least I was.) But, these days - the days of electricity - who needs to wake up early? Who needs to go to bed early? Have you noticed that only OLD people make you wake up early? It's because they are still living on the notion that you can only be productive with your life if you wake up early. But then, if you do, you are so tired that you need to go to bed early stunting any work you may do after 10pm. Kirk is a prime example of this. He does his BEST work during the wee-hours of the night. It's quiet, it's dark. There are little to no distractions. I am the same way. I don't want to clean my room during the day. I would much rather do it at night. I feel like that is when my natural ADD is subdued and I am finally able to concentrate on what's important. I don't know why this is. But I do know that it's how I have been ever since I was little. I used to BEG my babysitter to allow me to stay up. In fact, I actually got her to let me stay up until 1am. Then my mom came home and she got in trouble. (Bad move to let the kid convince you to do anything. I've been guilty of that too. Karma.)
In all reality, I do feel somewhat more productive when I wake up early. I think it's because it's when most of the world is awaking up too and there are more interactions you could potentially have. At night, it is quite lonely. There are only a few people up and able to commune with me. Maybe I should create a movement to change the way we live. Let us be awake at night and sleep during the day. I guess what I am trying to say is let us all become vampires.
Halloween is coming.

Yes, I do have a slight obsession with YouTube lately. Can you blame me? Any song or video clip I could ever want is right at my fingertips.
Anyway, I found this gem and I love it so. Coldplay, you are my true love. Can I see you in concert soon? I bet you are magical.
Lost featuring Jay-Z

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