WOW. 3 blog posts in a day? I must be out of my mind.
It's Friday. My designated day off this week. Unfortunately, I am a kind soul and decided to help another co-worker out and take her closing shift tonight. Whatever... it's only 3 hours.
I have been feeling a bit of tension at work lately. I don't know who is involved or why I am feeling this way exactly. Maybe it's because Shade has yet to give us a date for the last day the store will be open. Or maybe it's because I still have to work a closing shift next week AFTER my 8-5 job. Whatever the reason, I can feel it and I can feel myself getting sucked into the tension. I am not a fan. I shall break the tension with a knife or maybe something that isn't so violent. Like a rubber band ball. Those are always delightful.
I am listening to my Pandora radio station. It has the following artists:
-John Mayer
-Florence and the Machine
-Vampire Weekend
-Earth Wind and Fire
-Sara Bareilles
-Ingrid Michaelson
As you can see, I am all over the place and I don't have a care in the world.
I originally decided to check out some blogs while my straightener was heating up. However, it's been a good 30 minutes since then and I am now making this post.
So I found a picture of a girl who was dressed as a candy corn. I have decided that's what I want to be for Halloween. I could probably make that... since I am an expert seamstress. Did I mention that I have had my Halloween decorations up since 2 weeks ago? I do what I want!

I can't wait until I have a house of my very own in a neighborhood where children run around going door-to-door asking for candy. And to have kids to dress them up in totally awesome baby television characters... like teletubies. HAHA. One year, my little sister Dolly was Dipsie (the green one, for all you fans out there) from teletubies and it was adorable. I wish I could find a picture of it.
One thing I am not too excited about this season is the scary movies that are coming out. It is actually making me very anxious because every time I watch TV, there is always a scary preview for a movie and try as I may, I can't stop the horrible process of it being embedded into my mind. I literally lay awake at night freaking myself out because of those dang commercials. I am such a wimp. Kirk totally wants to see a scary movie and I am so against it it's ridiculous.
Happy October.
It's gonna be a good month. I can feel it.
You inspired me to blog at least once for the last 3 months. Thank you.
umm..a few things really...
1. i love florence and the machine
2. could that costume BE any cuter?
3. the teletubbies give me nightmares
4. i could not agree with you more about the freaking disturbing new movies coming out. i have to change the channel/leave the room whenever one of the trailers come on.
i hate those scary commercials! ahhhhhhhhhhh! they are so freaky.
gotta love that shade tension.
oh yes.
(i could say something really mean, but i am choosing the higher road. whew!)
i can't believe we will only work together one more time. tear.
so many fun posts!
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