Thursday, October 21, 2010

let's get physical here.

There I was.
INNOCENTLY browsing the world wide web. had an article about the top 5 most creepy workout music videos.
Two strong thoughts raced through my mind:
First of all, who on earth would even think of such a combination of topics?
And secondly, there is no way I'm gonna pass up THAT article. I am intrigued. (Just like I was intrigued with Sister Wives but THAT deserves its OWN post.)
As I began to watch all the videos, the title of the article started to ring true to my soul and I was becoming more and more creeped-out.
Then, this little gem came up.

Now, I know this may be hard for some of you to watch. I am feeling the regret set in... and I am mortified at myself for even POSTING such a video. But, I had to share my surprise.
Who would have thought that sweet Sandy from Grease or Olivia Newton John would choose to be in such a sketchy, BIZARRE video?!
I mean, do we REALLY need to watch her shower with her sweatband on? Or how about watch her coach 4 fatties to perfect physical form in a matter of minutes?
I literally had to pick up my jaw from the floor when I finished.
I had no idea that was the intention of the song when I would sing it whilst working out. It not only was disturbing but it raised more questions about what the song was actually about.
Innuendos anyone?


Alex and Whitney said...

I have had the most horrible day, so THANK YOU for posting that video. I agree that it is exceptionally disturbing, but I found myself laughing for most of it. I haven't seen it before and never would have imagined the video would be like that! CRAZY

Katie said...

I think the most disturbing part is her white leotard and her horrifying camel toe... Yikes!

Becca said...

hahaha this video kills me.

ryanandmindy said...

oh. my. gosh.

trudy...{and jamo} said...

wow. that was fun. my favorite was when the guy in the blue was on the bike. awesome.

so when are we having our par-tayyy?
it's been too long since i have seen you. hello.

Ryan and Brittany said...

Thanks to you... I have had this song stuck in my head the whole day! Hahahaha I was even singing it in my head at the doctor's office.