Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i don't know what to title this

Sometimes, not ALL the time, but sometimes, I have to remind myself that I am not hungry and that I just had dinner 15 minutes ago. And I was full when I finished. (I'm like my little sister Bebe in this way.)
Anyway, tonight was one of those nights.
So... there I was, watching THIS show. Modern Family.
And that was when I realized I really really really wanted chips and salsa.
Does anyone know the reason for such a craving?
See the mexicana woman on the left in this picture?
She spoke with her Colombian accent and made me instantly want chips and salsa.
I'm so politically incorrect,
this I know.

Moving on.
My weakness or my favorite guilty pleasure snack mostly feeds that savory taste bud.
I would much rather have a Thanksgiving feast than anything else.
Although, I will tell you that depending on my mood, I can definitely go for a bowl of ice cream. Mint chocolate chip to be more precise.
Thank you everyone for joining in the fun of Poll Tuesday.
Let's make this a tradition.
Same time?
Same place?
See you then.


Brooks and Heather Lively said...

Oh hey Alix! I am fairly certain there is no food on the planet better than Chili's chips y salsa. MMMMM. Eat some extra for me. BTW... The reason I didn't post a comment on your last recipe post (baked potato soup) was because I am skeptical about how healthy it actually is.... and I didn't want to say anything. But I just did. And now it's out in the open. Sorry?

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

I LOVE chips and salsa! I make the BEST home-made picco de gallo. Seriously. You can find posts about it on my blog. Amazing stuff.

The Aprecios said...

funny, when I watch Gloria, it doesnt make me want chips and salsa. It makes me want bigger boobs.