"because that vest was disgusting."

Mean Girls is easily in my top 3 favorite movies. I am always in the mood to watch it and always get a good laugh at it.
I am no saint. I have had my spouts of mean-ness. Remember this?
In fact, I do recall a moment in my life where I vividly decided to be mean to some people. I thought, where has nice gotten me? People walk all over me. I'm so sick of being nicey-nice face.
I guess I was on crack when I thought that...
Weird that it's funny to me when I have such a LOW tolerance for real mean girls.
I will never forget sitting in relief society my freshman year at BYU-Idaho and listening to my friend Kate talk about the pain she feels when she sees others putting down others. She was in tears.
I have been around my fair share of mean-ness. Mean girls are not foreign to me. I am not perfect. I know I have been mean and to other girls too. I am not proud of it. But, now I am over it. I don't get the whole mean thing now.
Especially when girls are mean to girls.
How can we support each other and uplift each other when we are talking about each other behind backs?
This kind of behavior makes me SO angry and SO sad. I am disappointed whenever I catch myself doing it. It's unfair and it's just unkind.
Mother Theresa said, "If you judge people, then you have no time to love them."
I've actually never seen "Mean Girls". Weird huh? I've always wanted to but never got around to it. I like this post because I can relate to it! We've all gone through those "not-so-nice" phases. Luckily we learn from them!
totally can relate to this post
wow.. needed this tonight! thanks for the inspiration!
well said. i must repent.
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