(and Vienna's ears. Ooooo. Harsh.)

I'm sure we are all Bachelor'd out. I know I am.
Good for them.
This show just makes me laugh and I know I should have lost all hope in the Bachelor seasons ago.
But, I have to say that I have been duped by Mr. Pavelka.
As discussed with cuzzo Rachel, we have decided that towards the last few episodes of this season, we kind of lost interest in him and the show.
I think Tenley dodged a bullet and that's all I need to know.
So, don't expect me to watch next season's Bachelorette, because you can bet your bottom dollar that I will not be.
I'm not even mad.
I'm indifferent.
Which is WORSE!
P.S. Did anyone notice Vienna's facial difference? Did she get a nose job? Face lift? Botox? Seriously, what up with that girl?
I totally noticed and I am pretty sure she has lost 20 lbs... she doesn't look like a linebacker anymore. I hope they are happy and we all know that why he picked her is because she freaking wore lingerie on the fantasy suite date. whaaaaat?
Ha ha I actually liked Vienna (a tiny tiny bit) toward the end. Or maybe I just stopped judging her as harshly, knowing that producers edit the show the way that will serve the best drama. Either way, I haven't lost COMPLETE faith in the show because there have been successful couples (marriages, kids.. etc) formed from The Bach. Jason & Molly are getting married this Monday! On TV! And remember, Jason originally chose Melissa (who was the fan favorite) and that didn't work out, he ended up going back to his 2nd choice and they are happy.
Do I think Vienna and Jake will get married? Heck no!! But.. maybe he'll end up with Tenley in the end after he realizes his mistake? OR maybe not. Ha ha. Okay my book has come to and end now.
I knew there was something different about her too! I couldn't figure out what it was, but she looked way better than she did during the season! Part of it may have been that she finally got her roots touched up. I don't know. I don't like her, that's all I know.
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