Well, looks like today is Wednesday. That means yesterday was Tuesday.
Pretty elementary. This I know. Apparently, I forgot about Tuesdays and my regular Tuesday routine.
I didn't post my Poll Tuesday Question.
It's ok, I didn't do my laundry yesterday which was and has been my designated laundry day.
So yes, I happen to be a little bit behind.
Behind on my personal chores.
Behind on my blog.
Behind in LIFE.
For realz.
Oh you don't believe me?
Well, I would show you my bank statement, but that's just a little TOO personal.
Alls I am sayin' is I just paid my hospital bill and want to shoot myself in the knee too.
Just to add insult to injury. Or maybe injury to insult?
Whatever, I don't need to go shopping.
I don't need to eat for that matter.
I don't need to eat for that matter.
I probably shouldn't eat for a while since my gimp-ness has added lbs to my behind.
OH... there is that word again "BEHIND"
it haunts me.
Anyway, this may be irrelevant information.
Today's WEDNESDAY poll Tuesday question is:
Who is your favorite comedian? Who just makes you LAUGH?
Let me know. I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours... :)

Also, please add a caption to the above aforementioned picture if you so desire.
ellen. ellen makes me laugh out loud. and so do you. and i love your blog.
I agree with brittany, ellen makes me cackle sometimes. brian regan is another comedian who tickles my funny bone!
Dane Cook for sure. He uses naughty language but he is HILARIOUS.
"I can't just leave, my CD's are in his truck. I'll have to endure 3 more years of abuse, until I can leave...with my CD's!"
"and then a hero comes along!! with the strength to carry on!!!"
PS this is actually Ani :) Jason is just signed in and I don't want to change it :)
i found it!!! i found what i was talking about!! random but OH MY GOSH!!!
how has no one already said Brian Regan? he's clean, hilarious and so easy to quote.
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