yeah, my title makes little to no sense.
I know. It's hard coming up with titles lately. This is not a dire problem. No worries. I'm not stressed about it.
Fact: When I was in the 6th grade, I wrote a newsletter about my class switching teachers. I called it "Sweet Switch" because the teacher's name was Mr. Sweet. Props to me.
Fact: I still have not made it to the D.I. and Plato's Closet to donate my threads.
Fact: I am drinking substantially more water than I have in the previous months. Slowly feeling more hydrated.
Fact: I had my teeth cleaned at 8am this morning. They feel smooth and shiny.
Fact: I picked up Kirk at 11:30am and we went and ate lunch. I ordered a salad. I am proud.
Fact: After our lunch date, Kirk and I went bowling. I lost. BUT, I broke 60. I am proud once again.
Fact: My madre is in town. I just love my mom.
Fact: I am missing my little sisters.
Fact: I am thinking about moving out of Utah. No plans. Nothing set. Maybe not even a real thought. Just throwing it out there.
Fact: I finally cleaned my room. FINALLY. Spring cleaning complete.
Fact: I am planning a trip to South Carolina to visit my lovely friend Mindy this summer. Need to get out and do something fun. For me.
Fact: I trimmed my own bangs and now I regret it. Why didn't I remember that I wanted to grow them out? Shoot.
Fact: I have found a pandora station that I really enjoy. "Ingrid Michaelson" It makes me feel like I am on Grey's Anatomy. I have only changed the songs twice. That's a record.
Fact: I went to the mall today and spent zero dollars. Like my friend Heather. We are MFEO. Like Paris and Nicole. Or cheddar and mozzarella.
Fact: Bed time. For real. I am tired.
Most Sincerely,