Last night, Kirk and I decided to have a fun date night.
We had originally planned to go to Salt Lake for a fun dinner, followed by a game or two of bowling and end the night with a movie.
Kirk said I could choose any restaurant in Utah besides Chef's Table. (I have never been, but would like to go.) I chose a pizza place in Salt Lake that neither of us have ever been to, Setebellos.
After learning there was a Jazz game, we quickly changed our plans and decided to stay in the Provo/Orem area.
We went to Pizzeria 712 which I absolutely LOVE. Seriously. So delicious. We have been a few times before but, it was particularly delicious last night. I thoroughly enjoy the close quarters and charming atmosphere of this little pizza place. I almost feel like it belongs in either the movie The Holiday or New York City. Two favorites. So, I like it.
After we were sufficiently satiated with salad and pizza, we did what we usually do after a satisfying meal. Laid down. We stopped at a bowling alley, just to see what a wait would be for a lane. We were not willing to wait an hour so laid down we did.
I had been wanting to see a movie for a while and thought it would be fun to see The Lovely Bones. I have not read the book but heard it was good so I thought, what the hey, I'll take my chances.
Um, I probably had one of the worst movie theater experiences I have ever had.
I don't want to ruin the movie for any of you who still plan on seeing it, but between the couple next to me who decided to comment to each other after ever single scene, and the guy behind me who kept hitting my seat with his feet and then decided to just keep his knees against my seat making me sit at a 90 degree angle the entire movie, and the actual movie itself, NO BUENO.
So now I am going to proceed to hate on this movie.
Sorry for all you who want to see it or actually liked it.
I would say save yourself the $9.
First of all, you could TOTALLY tell this was a book made into a movie sort of movie. There was no flow. I am no movie critic. But I am pretty sure it is my biggest pet peeve if movies don't have any fluidity. I mean, isn't that the point of a movie? To make it all work and come together to serve a purpose of a MOVIE? That's why I do not like any of the Twilight movies. They don't make any sense to me. I believe all books made into movies should make sense to all people who have not read the books so a more wide audience can enjoy.
Secondly, who decided to write/make a movie about a serial killer who preys on children?
Not only was it completely and utterly disturbing to me, but it angered me. I did not understand the point. To me, this movie just showed me how happy and innocent people can have horrible things happen to them. Now, what part of that is uplifting? None of it.
And lastly, the guy next to me smelled like a creepy pedophile so every time I would get a whiff of his cologne, I would think that's what the murderer would smell like and instantly HATE the guy next to me. He doesn't deserve that. Look how this movie makes me hate innocent people.
And that, my friends, is why that movie is on my top-hated movies of my life.