I am not expecting any babies any time soon. No need to fret.
I have been writing down names since I was about 12. Every time a baby name would pop into my head I would archive it. Save it. So I would never forget it. Of course this list has gone through countless rounds of revisions only ever leaving about 4 or 5 names.
I just like to have my handy dandy baby name list around so I can be sure I have a good name for my kiddlets.
As I was surfin' the web today, I happened upon a list of current hipster baby names. I am ashamed to tell you that 4 out of my 4 names are on this list, and it makes me sad. Looks like I am going to have to re-think this list of mine. I don't want names for my kids that will go out of style like POGS came and went.
No, no. I need names that will be timeless classics but also unique.
Looks like I gotta start choosing names with a different approach.
Oh would you like to know my list?
Don't judge me. :)
umm..i would like to know this list. your link has decided not to work for me.
Alix... I love the name Olive. I have loved it since I started watching pushing daisies a few weeks ago. have you watched that? you should. 1-10 how mad would you be if I used it? Just curious. Race ya?
I LOVE the name Lola. Like Heather...I will race you for it! haha
man. holly better hurry her butt up. everyone wants olive?
well like i said, i can't use these names because this is the list of names that one should steer clear of. Olive is my favorite.
i LOVED pogs. i had a Lion King slammer. yep. cool.
i LOVE your list and i don't think you need to worry.
i saw that same hipster name list. i think those names are adorable. you go girl. and yay for timeless classics!
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