Jake is quickly becoming my favorite bachelor.
I am starting to wish I was one of the lucky ducks on the show. (Sorry, Kirk.)
I am SO glad he got rid of the major crazies in the house NAMELY,
You girl, have got some issues going on. I was squirming in my seat during that awkward kissing scene and I screamed for JOY when Jake said SIONARA.

It bugged me SO much how Elizabeth was such a tease and didn't understand why Jake found it hurtful. It's a shame because you're very pretty. Cryin' shame.

I love ya girl but you need to relax on the possessiveness of Jakey. Stop gettin in the middle. Seriously.

I feel like there is something off with you and all the girls hate you in the house, but I can't exactly figure out why. Also, Jakes attraction to you baffles. What's up girl?

You are still my favorite. Call me biased, but I feel like your connection with Mr. Pavelka is the most genuine. I enjoy.

I agree 100%! There were many times last night where I was saying "awkward awkward awkward!!!" with Michelle. Elizabeth ruined her opportunity on her own. I still want to know your connection with Tenley. I like her a lot.
Anyway, glad I am not the only one who watches the Bachelor.
I was seriously squirming in my seat during the Michelle kissing scene...even Dax started to cry! I am SO glad he sent her packing. Tenley is one of my favorites too. I also like Gia a lot. I don't know why since we don't see that much of her...she just seems really genuine.
You sooo do not want to be on the show- jake is NOT funny. What do people even talk about with him... snooze fest. You would die I am sure alix. However, he is very bright and I like that he got rid of michelle. I probably was the most confused of all time when she was like "I want to go- but if you want me to stay I will" so jake says "uhh ok then go" and she responds with "I can't believe you are doing this to me blah blah blah how can you kick me out". UHHH Honey you JUST volunteered to leave, I am pretty sure that is like every bachelor's dream. SO weird. glad elizabeth is gone too- kookoo! How sad was the last interview with valisha? Also tenley is awesome but how did ABC get that clip of her saying "I'm pregnant" It totally wasnt on the show. ohhh editing. also i really like gia too :)
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