Ahem, let me begin by saying that I have been wanting a kitten for about 22 years now. (I mean, I am sure I wanted one when I was 3 months old. I just know it.) I would always envy everyone else's cat. I always have wanted one to cuddle with and to pet while pondering the things of this life. I'm deep like that. And secretly, yes, I do want to be that cat lady. Minus the crazy part. I just want like a few cats. Not like a million. Like that lady on Hoarders who doesn't even know how many cats she is housing. No, nothing like that.
I am weird, I know this. No one REALLY wants cats. Most people would rather have dogs. I get it. Dogs are loyal and fun and playful and protecting.
Cats... well cats just wander the house, meowing, and rub against your leg as if to tell you, "HELLO! Don't you realize I am here! Give me some attention."
The thing is they are independent creatures with minds of their own. They would rather spend afternoons napping in the sunlight and quite honestly, that is what I would rather be doing as well.
So I guess that's why I want one so much. Go ahead, judge.
I have had kittens before and sadly they were too sick to keep and I had to give them away.
Kirk knows about my slight obsession with kitties and told me that I could get one for Valentine's Day.
Well, today we went to petsmart because I am 5 years old and like to look at all the animals there. While there, I found some kittens in need of a home and became very attached one in particular whom I like to call Linus. I told Kirk that I wanted that one and we just about walked out of the store with it when I realized Kirk can't breathe. And he was crying. Not out of joy for me and the kitty, no. Because his eyes were watering from all the cat dander and his throat was closing up.
Then, we remembered that Kirk was in fact allergic to cats. So much in fact that when he was 12, him and his brother had to go to the Emergency Room. So much in fact, that while staying at a friend's house for a wedding, his throat did actually close up causing him to stop breathing.
Well my friends, I have chosen the higher road and opted to keep my boyfriend over a kitten.
And that is how the cookie crumbles.
In other news, my lips have been ever so chapped lately. Not the kind where you have layers of skin peeling off. SICK. The kind that makes your lips burn and burn and there is no end. They burn all the time, no matter the amount of chapstick or vaseline I apply. Not even the hardcore neosporin. It is just not letting up. Any suggestions on how to cure this slight ailment of mine? It would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I happened upon this little bloggy blog. she blogs she blogs. This girl is funny. And I enjoy her wittiness and vocabulary. Maybe that's a weird thing to admire about someone, but I sometimes have a hard time finding the right words I want to say. (Actually, more often than not.) Vocabulary aside, she is a little cynical and a little bit sarcastic and has a major crush on Diet Coke which reminds me a little of someone else I know :) And she is crafty. You may have seen a few of her cards in boutiques around Utah County. They are gems.

I like.
Love Always,
Use aquaphor. It works wonders. If you got a cat I probably wouldn't come visit you. They make me cry too.
This makes me sad. I would prefer a kitten over a puppy any day! Dogs really drive me nuts!! If I am stuck in a house with them, I will avoid the dog(s) as much as possible.
I am sad about your man being allergic, that's just lame. I do feel bad for him though, being allergic to anything is the pits.
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